ISOLPAV s.p.a. has received the certification SOA – OS 6 Classe III-Bis.

SOA is a certification that allows a business to take part in important public tenders, commensurate with their ability and experience as demonstrated to the awarding body.

ISO 9001/2008 nr. IT – 68350 CERTIFICATION

CE certification for building products

On 1 July 2013, the regulations on certification of construction products changed when EU Regulation 305/2011 came into force, replacing EU Directive 89/106. As a result of the change, it is compulsory to draft a document known as a 'declaration of performance' for each product subject to CE marking. In order for every single product to receive CE marking, a declaration of performance must be drawn providing the main information about the product. Our company makes its products on site. Thanks to investments in cutting-edge technology and strong company organisation, we are entitled to mark all our products that fall under the UNI EN 13813 standard. CE marking is not only the result of technologically advanced machinery; it also requires strong company organisation to oversee all product monitoring procedures, such as initial type tests, factory production control (FPC) system management and management of all documents required by current regulations. On our website, in the downloads area, you will find all the relevant documentation.

Code of good practice for screed

This document was drafted by Conpaviper's screed department and, in particular, by a large group of producers, suppliers and experts in the sector, who took turns over two years, free of charge, to create the first technical reference for screed in Italy. This is the first version and the association hopes it will be a basis for further regulation of the sector and for ever more comprehensive and accurate revisions in the future.

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